If you are looking to reduce your electricity bills, and who isn't? Then you may be considering generating energy from the sun. These systems can be very expensive, and the more you spend the longer it will take to pay back its costs in free energy. You can still reduce the cost of the system if you make some or all of it yourself. Read on for 5 reasons you should build your own solar panel.
1. Cheaper:
Building your own panels is considerably cheaper than buying pre-made ones. It isn't as difficult as you may think. If you can assemble flat pack furniture you can make one yourself. Instructions for the job are available and the components you will need are easily available.
2. Gain Knowledge:
Once you have built your own, you will have gained some valuable knowledge. You can use your new found skills to help others. It could even be the start of a profitable business. The demand for this service is only going to grow. Building solar panels and selling them to like-minded individuals will allow you to make a good profit, even if you undercut the commercially available product by a substantial amount.
3. Green Energy Power:
Energy from the sun is the cleanest power you can make. It causes zero emissions, no greenhouse gases are produced. The sun is always going to be there, and even on cloudy days your panels will still produce energy. The number of panels you need will depend on the percentage of your energy needs you wish to replace, and the climate and power of the sun in your area.
4. Save Money:
Any energy you produce is energy you don't have to buy. So even if your solar plant doesn't supply 100% of your electricity, from the moment you turn it on it will save you money.
5. Make money:
If you continue to build on your system, and begin to make all your electricity, it is possible that you will produce more energy than you need. By installing a special electricity meter you can sell this surplus back to your utility supplier. It is possible your next electricity 'bill' will be a payment to you.
I hope these 5 reasons you should build your own solar panel have helped you to decide to join the solar energy brigade. Not only will your electricity be much cheaper it's the greenest kind of energy you can produce, so you will be doing your bit for the environment too.
Do you want to disconnect from the grid, and build your own solar panel? Find out how to make solar panels at Solar Power For My Home. Convert your home to solar energy for less. Save the planet, and say goodbye to those large electricity bills
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